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OUT IN THE DARK: “Sparks fly when Roy, an Israeli lawyer, and Nimr, a Palestinian graduate student, meet at a bar in Tel Aviv. LAURENCE ANYWAYS: “Thirtysomething high school teacher Laurence seems to have the perfect life, but when he confesses to his fiancée that he wants to live as a woman, he must overcome both her resistance and that of his bewildered family and dubious co-workers.” (2012, Canada/France, 168 min.) Along the way, they pick up a young male hitchhiker, a troubled soul who has much to learn about courage from the two ladies.” (2011, U.S., 93 min.)

CLOUDBURST: “Stella (Olympia Dukakis) and Dot (Brenda Fricker), a lesbian couple, escape from their nursing home and head to Canada to get married.

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