Sexy black gay men abs

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Thanks to a survey by, we know that gay guys are super visual and care a lot about the physicality of a man’s body - duh!! Related: How to Get Laid on the First Date But my question is: What is “hot”? What does it mean? What makes my smile different from someone else’s? After doing a bit of research, I’ve found studies that show exactly what gay men find most attractive on each other. We’re human, and physical traits matter a lot when we’re sizing up a likely candidate. It stimulates our impulse - not our hearts.

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If we’re not careful, it will convince us we’re in love with someone even if we’re not. On a human level, people in general connect soul-to-soul, not penis-to-penis.

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We all have different types, but when push comes to shove, is there an absolute type all gay guys find attractive?

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